
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of CLT MTB, we would love to hear from you! Between insurance policies, gear, travel expenses, startup overhead, and paying staff... this is a labor of love, not a lucrative endeavor! So, if your company is willing to help and has an interest in reaching families located in the Charlotte, North Carolina area who are passionate about mountain biking, a CLT MTB sponsorship might be a great choice for you! Let's talk. We can go for a ride and talk about your goals on the trail!


Please complete the form below


Special Snacks & Treats are provided by our good friends at Rhino Market & Deli. Visit one of Rhino's two locations today for all your urban foraging needs. So much yummy for one store!

Goodie bags, TShirts, and other special MTB-related bonuses are provided from the amazing family at The Bike Gallery. Please make sure to visit The Bike Gallery on your next New Bike Day or for Tune-Ups, Gear, and Bike upgrades. These guys are the best in town…


Bike Maintenance and Trailside Repair segments of camps and clinics made possible through a contribution from Refresh Technologies.

A Refreshing Approach to IT.

A Refreshing Approach to IT.

All of our stickers, signs, banners, and TShirts come from the radical folks over at Carolina Stickers & Signs. PLEASE give them a shout the next time your company needs any of that stuff and you are sure to be happy with the work they do.
